Day: March 23, 2024

Inflationary Policy Changes Could Disrupt Business Confidence in Poland

interim poland price

Poland’s economy has been a bright spot in the region despite the wider global slowdown, and many forecasters see little evidence of inflationary pressures. But the polarized political environment has raised concerns that a series of policy changes could disrupt business confidence. Among them, the government’s push for state-controlled “national champions” that can compete internationally and lead economic development. Private business associations and unions argue that the pace of policy change is too quick and risks fragmenting Poland’s highly fragmented industry.

EU Workers a month after the global economic downturn, Poland’s producer price index (PPI) fell by 6.4% year-on-year. The decline was driven by falling oil and food prices, while domestic demand was sluggish, statistics office GUS said. The decline prompted some critics to accuse energy conglomerate PKN Orlen, 49 percent owned by the Polish state and the dominant market player, of manipulating prices for political purposes. PKN Orlen denied the allegations, saying that price improvements reflect efficiencies and a switch to cheaper gas.

Comparing Interim Services Costs: What to Expect in Poland

In 2019, Poland paid hundreds of millions in fines over two cases where the European Court of Justice imposed interim measures – one over the EU row with Hungary and Czech Republic over the Turow coal mine, and another over the Disciplinary Chamber for judges. In July 2021, the Constitutional Tribunal ruled that the ECJ rulings regarding the disciplinary chamber violated the Polish constitution, potentially opening the door for the government to ignore EU law.