It is possible to detect spam traps using a variety of techniques. Spam traps are composed of email addresses that have never been used before and are available only to spammers. These email addresses are collected using web crawling and sold to companies who use them to send spam to other users. Detecting spam traps is not a simple task, however. The email addresses look similar to other email addresses. However, using a few techniques will help you recognize a spam trap email address.
What happens when you hit a spam trap?
First, check for inactivity. Usually, email addresses have to be inactive for at least 12 months. If the email addresses are still active, they might be spam traps. If this is the case, you should take action to remove them from your list. Otherwise, they will just be added to other spam traps.
Spam traps can negatively impact your email marketing campaigns. They can reduce your email deliverability and increase your bounce rate. They can even result in the filtering of your most engaged subscribers into spam folders. Additionally, the IP address of the sender can be blocked by blacklist providers and ISPs. Even worse, your Email Service Provider (ESP) may refuse to send your emails anymore.
Spam traps use third-party reputation services to build their lists. Some of the most popular of these services are Spamhaus and SpamCop. In addition, businesses can donate their MX records to help maintain spam trap databases. TrendMicro and McAfee are two other companies that maintain spam trap databases. If you want to avoid spam traps, you must follow best practices and avoid shortcuts. Getting caught in one can take months or even years to recover.